The Orgasm Shot (O-Shot®)
A Quick Overview
Around 4 out of 10 women have sexual dysfunction to the point that it’s a serious psychological distress for them, yet very few of them will ever discuss it with their doctors. The O-Shot® is a 20 minute office procedure in which a small quantity of your own blood (the same amount as would be drawn to do a basic blood test) is taken from your own arm. It is then spun in a special centrifuge machine to separate the platelet rich plasma (PRP) that contains high concentration of 8 growth factors and signaling proteins. The PRP is a regenerative technology that deploys aspects of your own biochemistry. When activated with a small quantity of calcium it becomes Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM). The 8 growth factors that are released from the platelets will instinctively know how to repair and strengthen the specific tissues where they reside. The effects of this injections may be immediately noticeable. The full effect of the shot takes three months. The results of this 20 minute procedure are dramatic and long-lasting. Women report significant improvement in stimulation, sensitivity, arousal and sex drive. Urinary incontinence both stress and urge sometimes stop the day of treatment. Seen on television’s “The Doctors”, Dr.Oz, Cosmopolitan magazine, Harpers magazine.
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Ste A
Orlando, Florida 32819
Phone: 321-230-9551
Hair Restoration: 321-230-9551